How it Works
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled.
The first stage of cleaning is to remove loose debris and substances from the contaminated surface you’re cleaning. You can do this by wiping with a disposable towel, sweeping, or rinsing. The aim is to remove as much loose debris as possible to prepare the area for the next stage of cleaning.
Main Clean
The second stage of cleaning is to loosen any substances, dirt, grease, and debris that you were unable to remove during the pre-clean stage. This involves using hot water and a detergent. You may be able to wipe away the loosened substances right away with something suitable, such as a cloth or mop, or you may have to allow the disinfectant to do its work for a certain amount of contact time before doing so.
The third stage of cleaning is to remove all the loosened substances, dirt, and debris as well as the detergent, that was present in the second stage. You can do so using clean, hot water with a cloth, mop, squeegee, etc.
The fourth stage of cleaning is to disinfect the surface, which will destroy bacteria and other microorganisms. For example, by using heat or a chemical disinfectant for an adequate contact time. Follow the instructions for any products or equipment you use.
Final Rinse
The fifth stage of cleaning is to remove any disinfectants from the previous stage using clean, hot water. This step may not always be carried out however, depending on the disinfectant and surface you’re cleaning. As stated in the previous stage, follow the manufacturer’s guidance and seek further advice if needed.
The sixth and final stage of cleaning is to dry the surface, and it’s recommended that you air dry where possible. You can use drying cloths if needed, but they should be single use if so, especially in a commercial setting. You must not air dry any drying cloths that are damp from use and reuse them, as bacteria could grow on the cloths and pose a contamination risk.
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